Korea Craft Designers Association 2024

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C Visualization of aztenca pattern graphic images 115x6x80 mm | Natural leather and oil based pen Park, Mi-hwa KOREA | pmh1566@naver.com I majored in advertising design and have participated in numerous domestic art fairs and exhibitions. Currently, I am active under the brand name Aztenca. Aztenca creates leather goods, fabrics, and fashion items based on captivating pattern graphics that reconfigure trend-insensitive geometric shapes. Among the leather goods, we have visualized a money clip that showcases Aztenca’s unique pattern graphic design. PHT-24.TX 420x594 mm | Silk, DTP Park, Sang-oh KOREA | parkso@yu.ac.kr Professor, Yeungnam University Ph.D. Hanyang University 8 times Invitational Solo Exhibitions Director, Korea Craft Designer Association Director, Next Generation R&D Technology Policy Institute CEO, Texprinting The Minister Award, The 40th, 41th Korea Design Exhibition 48