Korea Craft Designers Association 2024

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C The Trace 80x80x180 mm | Porcelain clay Kim, Hee-gyun KOREA | guniya@hanmail.net PhD, Deartment of Design at Sangmyung University 22 times Solo Exhibition KSCS International Invitation Exhibition of Color Works China, Korea and Japan Ceramic Design Exchange Exhibition ASIA NETWORK BEYOND DESIGN Present, Professor. Ceramic Design, College of Design, Sangmyung University “Harmony in Shadows and Radiance” 400x400x400 mm | Glass (Blowing & Fusing) Kim, Hye-young KOREA | hykim@dst.ac.kr 2005 Ph.D. Department of Art(Glass) at Tama Art University 1996 World Glass Now Current, Fujitebante Museum, Tokyo, Japan 1998 Lecturer, The G.A.S (Glass Art Society) Conference, Seto, Japan 2006 5199 Miles Journey, Southern Illinois University The University Museum, USA. 2008 Lecturer, The Niijima International Glass Art Festival, Tokyo, Japan 2013 2013’ korea & Japan Glass Art Workshop. Icheon, Korea 2019 OPENING CEREMONY EXHIBITION. Dogye Glass World. Korea DST (Daejeon Institute of Science and Technology), School of Beauty Design 30