Korea Craft Designers Association 2024

I n v i t e d I n t e r n a t i o n a l E x h i b i t i o n i n W a s h i n g t o n D . C Signal_24_02 420x590 mm | Digital Textile Printing on Cotton Jang, Jae-ick KOREA | ghkend@naver.com B.F.A Textile Design, Konkuk University, SeoulM.F.A Textile Design, Konkuk University, SeoulPh.D Candidate, Textile Design, Konkuk University, Seoul 10 times Solo Exhibition (Osaka, Seoul, Suncheon, Tokyo) 3 times invitational solo exhibition 80 times Group Exhibition Talisman 2 70x18x22 mm | Wood, resin, Sterling silver, prickly pear, leather cord, elastic band, steel wire Joani Groenewald SOUTH AFRICA | joani@sun.ac.za 2019 - Current: Completing a Bi-Lateral PhD in Visual Arts and Jewellery and Object Design at Stellenbosch University and Hasselt University/PXL MAD. 2015: Master’s in visual arts at Stellenbosch University MA(VA) Cum laude 2016-Current: Stellenbosch University (Lecturer) – Full Time 2014-2016: Stellenbosch University (Jewellery junior lecturer) - Full Time 2012-2014: Stellenbosch University: Part time lecturer in Creative Jewellery and Metal Design 24